
The Alma de Coimbra Association is a private non-profit association. The board of the association is composed of:

   > Directorate, consisting of a President, a Vice-President, a Vice-President for the Financial Area, a Secretary and a Member

   > General assembly board, consisting of a President, a 1st Secretary and a 2nd Secretary

   > Fiscal council, consisting of a President, a 1st Member and a 2nd Member

The election of the social bodies of the Association is done every 2 years, through the presentation of a list. You can consult the Statutes of the Association (in Portuguese) here.
Statutes of the association
Publication in Diário da República

The statutes of the Alma de Coimbra Association were published in Diário da República on October 11, 2006, 2.ª série, N.º 196 (Parte Especial).

You can view the document (in Portuguese) here.

As a Public Utility Institution since 2014 (Despacho n.º 13781/2014), it can consign 0.5% of its IRS to the Alma de Coimbra Association. 

You may do it in Box 11, option 1103, putting the NIF 507728440

You can view the Public Utility Declaration (in Portuguese) in the following link.


Public utility
Technical Rider

The group arranges itself on stage, considering its positioning facing the audience, as follows:

   > The instruments (piano, double bass and violin) on the right side

   > The soloists on the left side of the instruments, in front of the first tenores

   > The choir behind the soloists and, from left to right, in the following order: first tenores, second tenores, baritones and bass

For more information, please check the technical rider (in Portuguese) here.